Many people reach a turning point, when they realize they have to start living healthier.
For Rose Newman, it came in 2017 on vacation in Costa Rica.
At 59, she was disappointed to find herself hanging back at the hotel with the older relatives when others were out hiking and enjoying the outdoors.
“I was the fat lady who didn’t want to be on vacation,” she recalls.
Back home, she started walking, and then found small group training at a fitness center. Although arthritis makes running difficult, Rose began enrolling in 5K walks and training for “aqua-bike” races of swimming and bicycling.
She wanted to lose 60 pounds before turning 60 last year, blew away that goal by dropping 80 -- and is now heading toward 100. She’s dropped 12 sizes and no longer needs medicine for high blood pressure.
“It’s really been a fun journey,” says Rose. “I’ve set myself up for success going forward in life.”
She exercises six days a week, usually in small groups or with an individual trainer. “It’s playtime for me to go to the gym,” she says. “It’s fun to see what my body can do.”
The longtime vegetarian also cut back on “white food” carbohydrates like pasta, bread and rice.
Next up: indoor “rock” climbing, and a return to Costa Rica.
“I’m going back this year and really looking forward to going on those hikes,” Rose says.
