Money is funny. We use it to justify so many priorities, and at least as many rationalizations.
So, when people say they don't have the money to spend on fitness, it's helpful to pause and ask: Do you not have the money to spend, or do you choose to spend it on other things?
Exercise reduces our health-care costs, including medications, and the time lost to illness and injury. We know this without a doubt. Investing in yourself with fitness pays huge dividends in all kinds of ways, including financial.
Compare it to the typical costs of these 10 items or services. Notice there’s no judgment here. Pets are great, and who doesn’t like a nice meal in a restaurant? It’s just to get you thinking about the return on investments.
1. Tall café latte at Starbucks: $2.95, plus tax. Multiplied by how many you have a month. Plus whatever you spend on croissants, bottled water, and breath mints there.
2. Pet care. Baby Boomers spend about $59 a month on dogs, cats, and other animal companions, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says.
3. Cable or Satellite TV. Subscribers paid an average of $107 per month in 2017, according to the latest annual survey from Leichtman Research Group.
4. Hair coloring and highlights: About $80-$150.
5. A one-hour massage: Anywhere from $60 to $150, plus tip.
6. Monthly restaurant costs: $260 for Baby Boomers, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditure Survey. That seems low, though, when you consider how just one nice dinner for two can easily top $100.
7. Smoking and drinking: The average Boomer who still smokes spends about $150 a month on the habit, not counting health care costs, the Labor report says. And Boomers average another $45 or so a month on alcohol.
8. Two tickets to see “Hamilton” on tour: About $400, plus fees, to be in the room when it happens.
9. Major league sporting events: In 2016, it cost an average of $502.84 to take a family of four to an NFL game, according to creditcards.com. That includes tickets, food, parking, and two programs. Major League Baseball is a bargain – just $219.53. The same survey found that 34 percent of Americans spent money on sporting events in a year, and 29 percent bought athletic equipment. That compares to 23 percent who paid for gym memberships.
10. Typical monthly car costs: $878. NerdWallet.com includes car payment, gas, insurance and maintenance.
Now, we’re not saying you should spend more or less on this or that item – even fitness. The quality of your exercise program is not directly related to the amount of money you can spend on it.
That’s why we consider our pricing very seriously to offer you excellence and value every day, every month, every year.
We want you to think of it as an investment. We know you will be pleased with the return!