Is Looking at Your Screens Doing This To You?
Take this quick quiz: Can you move your eyes without moving your head and neck? Hmmm… Give it a try. Turn just your eyes to the right....
Is Looking at Your Screens Doing This To You?
Core Exercises: The Why, What and How To
Let's Talk About Shoulder Blades
Do Some Arm Movements Give You Trouble?
Make Posture Easy
The Importance of Good Sitting Posture: Tips for Maintaining Healthy Spine & Hip Alignment
Improving Your Posture: Tips for Proper Head, Neck, and Shoulder Alignment
Where is Your Head?
Are you Getting the Most Benefits from your Exercise Program? Ask yourself these 3 simple questions...
Bad Posture? Simple Things to Improve Your Posture.
Is Overlooking Your Body's Messaging Sabotaging Your Success?
The Magic is in the Details